Baganda's political, religious, social setup and origin of Buganda kingdom

Baganda culture
It is one of the famous cultures in Uganda. People with in this culture are hospital to whoever Vist them. The baganda are the most organised group of people in Uganda. There under kingdom leadership structure. The king "kabaka" has supreme power over his subjects. Under kabaka muteesa1 Buganda invited the British colonists intending to eradicated illiteracy among the baganda as explores had explained to him. He accepted the arrival of British colonists. The baganda didn't fight colonist due to their hospitality.
The baganda under the kabaka are organised under clans. Clan leaders are known as " owakasolya".>wiki> the baganda name children after their ancestors, events,time and others.
The baga worship traditional gods for instance muwanga , dungu, mukasa, kiwanuka, and others. Muwanga is for children, mukasa for rainfall, dungu for hunters, kiwanuka for thunder.
Baganda's economic activity is farming. Their topical food is banana and vegetables, like pig wheat "doodo", yam leaves" etimpa" etc. Being farmers they also rear birds and animals like fouls,goats, rabbits and others.

Marriage among baganda
Marriage was compulsory to youth above eighteen years. Marriage was highly celebrated among baganda. Marriage process was sub- divided into two, that is to say visiting ceremony & introduction ceremony.

Visiting ceremony.
This was secretly done among the baganda. Families of marriage candidates would organise a vist of the bridegroom's family to the bride' family. This was to strengthen the bond between the families and to find out whether both suit characters suit each other. On this ceremony dowry to be paid is determined by the brides family. Then the day for introduction is also decided.
1. Kato kintu
2. Cchwa I.
3. Kimera.
4. Tembo.
5. Kiggala.
6. Kiyimba.
7. Kayima.
8. Nakibinge.
9. Mulondo.
10. Jjemba.
11. Ssuuna I.
12. Ssekamaanya.
13. Kimbugwe.
14. Katerega.
15. Mutebi I.
16. Jjuko.
17. Kayemba.
18. Tebandeke.
19. Ndawula.
20. Kagulu.
21. Kikulwe.
22. Mawanda.
23. Mwanga I.
24. Namugala.
25. Kyabagu.
26. Jjunju.
27. Ssemakokiro.
28. Kamaanya.
29. Ssuuna II.
30. Muteesa I.
31. Mwanga II.
32. Kiwewa.
33. Kalema.
34. Cchwa II.
35. Muteesa II.
36. Mutebi II.

The royal tombs / amasiro.
 King Mwanga II
He ruled Buganda at the end of the 19th century. He took power from King Muteesa I .He used his subjects to construct a manmade lake known as kabaka's lake found in ndeeba in rubaga division Kampala district [kyadondo]


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