Akabiro ; Njovu. Clan Head (owakasolya); Kayita. Clan headquarters; Mbazi Kyagwe. Clan moto (omubala); " Munyanja wedilamuki, 'Nvubu ya Nvubu ya'". Origin of nvubu clan. Kayita came with kabaka Kintu. When they arrived in buganda, Kayita established his home on Ntonnyeze hills in Busujju. After he left and went to mengo hills where he established another home at kabaka's capital. At Ntonyeze hills he left his first born Kavubu. While at mengo , Kayita had other children named Kaseeseeba, Nkukunala, Kibengo and Nkambo. Then Kayita left mengo and went to busabala . On his arrival to busabala Kayita's son Kaseeseena disappeared on lake Victoria "nalubale" . When Kayita's son disappeared, he thought that the Hippopotamus had eaten him. Here kayita and family declared themselves to belong to Nvubu clan and since then this landing site was named Kivubu. "Amasiga" linage of nvubu family members Kavubu - e Ntonyeze - busujju Sserumaga...