
Showing posts from August 21, 2019


NTE CLAN Totem : Ente | etalina mukira Akabbiro : Nnnggaali Clan Leader : Katongole Estates : Mulema Ssaza : Buddu Omubala | Clan motto : Ekyuma nkiridde n’omukimba ngulidde. ORIGIN OF NTE CLAN  Katongole was from bunyoro, he had tailless cow . His leaving was a result of persecution from the king of Bunyoro who married his sister and unfortunately gave birth to an albino (namagoye). The king’s fortune-tellers advised him to kill the child, its mother and Katongole so as to end the cursed linage. Rumors reached Katoongole in time and he organized all members of his family to leave immediately. He hid in a forest called Teero near Lake Nnalubaale (Lake Victoria) through Mawokota. He later moved to Bijja, the present day Biikira where his sons Nakaana, Lukyamuzi and Lwegaba left to go to Mulema. They settled there but despite their effort to bring their father and join them in their lucrative smith activities, Katongole refused and remained in Mulema Katongole suddenly fell ill of K


Totem:                             Ensenene Akabbiro:                        Nabangogoma Clan Leader / owakasolya: Mugalula Estates:                             Kisozi Ssaza:                              Ggomba Omubala /  Clan motto: (i) Byaja ne bigwa.                                                 (ii) Ggwe mpagi, ggwe luwaga.                                                 (iii) Nakimera muka Ssuuna bw’asa bwanegula. ORIGIN OF ENSENENE CLAN Nseenene clan God father was a herdsmen who lived around the slopes of Mugamba Hill in Busongola county in Tooro kingdom. Nseenene clan ancestry is Kiroboozi, the god father of the clan. Kiroboozi had many children, among them Buyonga, Kalibbala, and Nnandawula his daughter. When Kiroboozi died, his children experienced inheritance horror. Buyonga, Kalibbala and Nnandawula dispersed from  Busongola with their cattle to Bwera in Buddu county. From Bwera, they wandered to Ggomba county and settled in kakoni village, at Kakubansi