Iteso and their way of life. Origins , political and social affairs.

It is one of the largest tribe in eastern Uganda. It is commonly know for cattle rearing. They are believed to have originated from south of Ethiopia and Sudan. itesos also practice some small scale farming. They mainly plant serial crops like millet, sorghum and vegetables. They used to wear skins and hides. they also hunt wild animals to support their deity. Also fruit gathering is done to supplement on their subsistence farm production. The iteso were wonderers by the end of seventeenth century.
Nowadays itesos are settled in Eastern Uganda . they occupy districts such as pallisa, soroti, and others.they are a decentralized tribe. Under chiefs governing over small communities. Iteso are hospital in nature.
Iteso have ancestral gods they believe in. These were believed to be with supreme powers over the iteso. They used to sacrifice cattle and goats for blessings and rains. The iteso speak iteso as their language.
iteso traditional dance


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