Long ago, in years of 400 to 1200, west of Lake Victoria basin was ruled by immortals or demigods called the Batembuzi. They established a great empire known as Bunnyoro Kitara Empire it covered three quarters of east Africa. However there was king of hell known as Nyamiyongo who became jealousy to the immortals. And he resolved to lure the emperor of Bunnyoro Kitara Empire into his power. By that time ISAZA was the emperor. Nyamiyongo sent ambassadors to Isaza. 'My lord', they said, 'our master seeks friendship with you and wishes to prove his love by becoming your blood brother.' and they handed Isaza a coffee bean which had been dipped into the blood of their master.
The emperor knew perfectly well what he was expected to do. He must eat the coffee bean, smear another with his own blood and send it back to Nyamiyongo. So he answered the messengers, 'Rest tonight and tomorrow you shall take my blood to your master.'
That night Isaza met with his Councillors, later Isaza summoned his gatekeeper, Bukuku. Bukuku ate the bean on behalf of Isaza. Isaza told the messengers that he had eaten the bean. Nyamiyongo would have been deceived completely if it had not been the little boy. This boy was a son of a slave woman who had come with the messengers. This little boy was hungry and wandering through the camp looking for scraps of food, slipped unknowingly past the guards at the emperor’s gate and hid under the eaves of the emperor’s castle. Here he had two men talking, Isaza and Bukuku. He listened and learnt how Nyamiyongo was to be tricked. When they returned to hell he told Nyamiyongo what he heard.
Nyamiyongo resolved to send his daughter, Nyamata to Isaza's court to trick the emperor into paying a visit to sooner had she arrived than Isaza noticed her and fell in love with her. Isaza made her the chief of wives. In course of time she bore the king a beautiful son named Isimbwa. Although Isaza came to love Nyamata dearly there was one thing he would not consent to do for her and that was to go with her to visit her father. Nyamata tried every trick she knew to persuade Isaza to visit her father but Isaza refused. Isaza used to tell Nyamata that he could not make such a long journey at this time. My people need me to judge their disputes. My warriors need me to lead them in battle.
So Nyamata remembered Isaza’s love for cattle and then one day she found out that this was true. The emperor's favorite cow fell sick and for two days the emperor sent messages about its healthy and went himself to see it and tend it in the cow houses. On the third day Nyamata said to him, 'for two days and nights you hardly spoke to me. Stay with me to night and let the royal herdsmen look after It.' but Isaza pushed her aside and went. Not long after words the chief of royal herdsmen came before the emperor. 'Your majesty,' he said, 'this morning when i went to milk i found two wonderful beasts had joined the herd. A black cow and black bull their fatter than any other among the herd. The emperor rushed out to see the beasts.
From that time the king spent most of his time admiring his royal herd. He ordered to construct a new hut for his new cattle to spend their nights there. Then one evening the herdsmen came running and informed Isaza that his new beasts escaped. The emperor seized his spear and set off after them.
For many hours he followed their hooves tracks. It led him further and further away from the villages and further into foothills of the mountains. At last he saw the cattle far ahead, but as he raced forward to catch them they quickened their pace and led him further still until at last they came to lake hidden in fold of hills. Into the lake they plunged and sank like rocks beneath the surface of water. The emperor followed them
Beneath the roots of the lake a passage led onwards and downwards and deeper still. Down the passage went the cows the emperor was close behind and he followed for many hours until the passage widened to the great castle of Nyamiyongo king of hell. The castle was crowded by people dressed in black cloth. Nyamiyongo welcomed Isaza. And said, "Here are your wife and child and their favorite cattle.
Back in the empire councilors and chiefs waited for the emperor, for so long they waited until they lost hope in the return of Isaza leading to the end of immortals.


  1. I need the rest of the story for scool show or I will never come to this site again signed Anonymous

  2. I love it is so wonderful 🤩,
    But I need the rest of the story

  3. More of the story pliz, 😄


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