Ssekabaka Kimera (deceased king of buganda after ssekabaka kintu)

When Kintu died, his officials did not want to make this public , in fear that this might cause political instability all over buganda kingdom. This forced them to burry kabaka Kintu secretly at Nnono, and the officials claimed that the king (kabaka) had disappeared. After some time, the officials chose Ccwa, one of Kintu’s sons to become king in his father’s place. Ccwa had only one son called Kalemeera. Kalemeera was only a young boy by the time his father ascended the throne. As he became older, Kalemeera began to understand the significance of the story that his grandfather Kintu had disappeared. He became immersed in thoughts  that Ccwa his father might also disappear in the same way. Thus Kalemeera began following his father around everywhere he went, fearful of letting him out of his sight. Eventually, Ccwa became exasperated with his son’s behavior and he concocted a plan that would force Kalemeera to leave his father’s side.

The plan that was concocted involved Walusimbi the Katikkiro (Prime Minister), falsely accusing Kalemeera of having had an infighting affair with his wife. When the case was brought before Ccwa, the king ruled against his son, and he fined him heavily. Kalemeera was forced to go to Bunyoro to seek the help of king Winyi in paying off the fine. Winyi was the son of Rukidi Mpuga Isingoma, founder of the Bunyoro dynasty. But since Rukidi was Kintu’s brother and Kintu was the father of Ccwa, it follows that Winyi was Kalemeera’s uncle and he was in a position to help him out at this hour of need. Bunyoro at that time was the only source of iron implements in the whole region and Kalemeera’s plan was to import some of these into Buganda and use the profits to help pay off the fine.

Kalemeera decided to return to Buganda quickly to escape Winyi’s wrath. Unfortunately for him, Kalemeera fell ill on the way home and he died. His attendants took his skull and buried it at Sserinnya in Busiro. Since then, a memorial house for Kalemeera has been maintained at Sserinnya.

In the meantime, Wannyana came to term and gave birth to a baby boy who later came to be called Kimera. Kimera grew up in Bunyoro, under the care of Katumba, of the Nkima clan, who was a close friend and advisor of Wannyana. Katumba had tricked Winyi into having the baby thrown away rather than have him killed as would otherwise have happened. He then secretly rescued the boy. Back in Buganda, Ccwa continued to rule as king. At his death, Ccwa had no male heir to succeed him since his son Kalemeera had already died. So Walusimbi, of the Ffumbe clan was given stewardship of the throne. Walusimbi proved unpopular however When Kimera left Bunyoro to come to Buganda, he knew he was going to become king and he brought many people and a lot of property with him. Wannyana his mother, and her friend Katumba were among the many people who came with Kimera. A total of 28 clans are said to have come into Buganda at Kimera’s time. Katumba was given the nickname Mugema meaning he who prevented trouble because he prevented Kimera’s death as a boy. Katumba was head of the Nkima clan, and ‘Mugema’ became his official title. Because of his role in rearing Kimera to maturity, and guiding him to the throne of Buganda.


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