About the Kibe Clan

Secondary Totem:(Akabbiro) :- Kassukussuku ( mushroom)

Clan leader(Ow'Akasolya) :-Muyige

Clan headquarters (Obutaka) :- Buluutwe, Kyaggwe (mukono District)

Mottoes (Emibala):-Nambuuze, kibe kyekubye nsiko.

:-Kyasanku, bakuzaala wa? Ku kizinga Wambogwe.

:-Gw'akwana amalirira, Muteesa; bw'anywa, bw'anywa, anywa nvuba, Muyige wa ddalu, wa ddalu



Kitoogo, kyagera, kabega, Mujeere, konde, Ssembuya, Ggombya, Senyumba, Gombe, Kinyaamye, Mayimbo, Ssemuwemba, Kimpi, Kaziro, Kibe, Ssekasula, Gebukoba, Kagi, Tonsaakula,  Mbuzimulanga


Nambuya, Namuyige, Naluvuuma, Nakangu, Bulya, Nalube.

The Great Grand Father of Kibe Clan, is called MUYIGE. His headquarters are at Wantaayi in Kyaggwe. The Clan was found at the reign of King (ssekabaka) Kintu.

Once upon a time, Prince Kayemba was ordered by his big brother, King Jjuuko to go and conquer the territory of Buvuma. King Jjuuko ruled Buganda between 1654-1664. When Prince Kayemba left to annex Buvuma territory, he went with mostly Kibe Clans men. After he had conquered Buvuma, some of his men, who were of the Kibe Clan settled on the islands of Buvuma. When Prince Kayemba left Buvuma to return to Buganda, many of the Kibe Clan came back with him. They arrived at Kigaya landingsite. It is from there they acquired land on the hills surrounding Kigaya and on the village of Makindu.

It is during the reign of King Ssemakookiro(1779-1794), when those of the Kibe clan bacame very prominent. After they had been given the duties of 'Chief Brewers' to the King. (Obasenero bw'omwenge gwa Kabaka). They got this title from the "Nvuma" Clan.

When Ssemakookiro bacame King of Buganda, after defeating his big brother Jjunju, he removed the duties of Chief Brewers from the 'Nvuma' Clan and gave those duties to his man Sseruti. The one who had discovered the way to straw (Oluseke-Oluti). And when the King asked Sseruti from where he would perfom his duties, he answered that he would like to be stationed in Buyikwe-Kyaggwe. The King also asked him where he was born and he answered "Wambogwe". It is said that when Kyasanku settled on his new village-Buyikwe, he used to beat his drum saying these words:

"Kyasanku, bakuzaala wa? Ku kizinga Wambogwe" - Literally meaning- "Where are you born Kyasanku? On the island of Wambogwe". This later became one of the Mottoes(Emibala) of the Kibe Clan.

From the times of King Ssemakookiro, the duty of Chief Brewer (Sseruti) is perfomed by the Kibe Clan up to this day. But the Chief Brewer(Sseruti) these days does his work from Kawongo-Bukoba in Kyaggwe, on the King's land.

When King Ssemakookiro died, Kyasanku (Sseruti) was killed. That was the tradition and belief those days. Kyasanku's son, Kagi, became his heir. And he was the "Sseruti" during King Kamaanya's reign(1794-1824). When King Kamaanya died, Kagi was also killed. Kagi's successor was his brother Mujere. This tradition of killing the Chief Brewer (Sseruti), whenever a King died, stopped after the death of King Ssuuna ll (1824-1856). When Kibawo, the then Chief Brewer, was never killed and continued doing his job up to the times of King Mukaabya Walugembe Mutesa (1856-1884)


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