
Bakonzo/ banande

THE BAKONZO/BANANDE These live in western Uganda and east of Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a centralized tribe. In Uganda they live along mountain rwenzori slopes. They occupy districts of kabalole, bundibugyo and kasese. They carry out subsistence farming and fruit gathering together with hunting to supliment their dirty. The bakonzo are under rwenzuru kingdom under making known as omumbere. The bakonzo are a Bantu tribe therefore speak the NTU language. The bakonzo are very short type of people known as pigmies. They also carry fire wood on their backs tying a string on head.

The origin of karimajong and their life style

The karimajong It is believed that they originated from south of Ethiopia. It is believed that they belonged to a large group of wanderers known as the Jie. The karimajong are a pastoral group that settled in north eastern Uganda. They broke away from the Jie and settled north eastern Uganda saying that "the elders are tired" and were named the karimajong. The karimajong are a hostile group of people in north eastern Uganda. They poses guns that they use to raid the Masai and turkana pastoralists in northern Kenya. They are a primitive tribe. They believe that every cattle in the world belongs to them. Therefore they capture every cattle they come upon  as they graze. They in districts such as Kotido, Kabong, moroto, and others. with observation from the images karimajong s manage the life stile. The karimajong  are specifically pastoralists not farmers. They construct temporary houses. Mud hhuts and grass thatched.

Bagisu tribe and embalu ( circumscion ritual)

The Bagisu It one of  Ugandan tribes in east. They live along mountain Elgon (masaba). It is said that they were ancestors of kintu. They practice agriculture for their servival. The favorite dish of the Bagisu is amalewa ( a certain type of mountain bamboo). The are home welcoming, social in nature. They believed in local gods for example they worshiped mountain Elgon. The Bagisu perform initiation ceremony to prove manhood. Youth of 18 years and above under go circumscition (embalu). This is done by local surgeons using knives to cut off foreskin. Before the candidates dance local dance called kadodi throughout night to morning when circumscition is done after embalu is cut the candidate is ready for marriage. For a man to marry among the Bagisu has to circumscise. a local surgeon practising embalu  Mbale is a hometown of the Bagisu. circumcision (imbalu), a ritual practiced by the bagisu. They are classified into two groups bamasaba and bakusu. Bagisu areone of Bantu tribes


The Basoga It is a tribe found in central Uganda. They speak lusoga as their language. They have a cultural leader known as kyabazinga ( king) and sub chiefs governing local villages they also carry out subsistence farming mainly for home consumption. They live chiefdom administration.


The Banyankore This is another tribe in Western Uganda . it's commercial activity is cattle rearing and some cultivation done on a small scale. The banyankore rear long horn cattle. The cattle one poses makes him  wealth among them. They used cattle as dowry. One to marry has to pay a number of cattle heads to the Bride's family. The banyankore are sub divided into two, ie the Bahima ( herdsmen) and the biru ( farmers) The banyankole hard a king known as omugabe. The king hard supreme powers over his subjects. It is said that the omugabe could rest his spear in his subject' feet. It is also said that the omugabe Ku spit in his subject's mouth. The banyankore process ghee/ butter from milk. butter would be used in every dish. Some of banyankore fishes are ishabwe, etc.......


 The Acholi. The are located in northern Uganda. They are ancestors of Gipili, Labongo and lumu. The three were brothers who originated from south Sudan. The three brothers arrived at pubungu in northern Uganda where they settled. Chaos came when Gipili' son swallowed Labongo's bead. The two brothers dispersed at pubungu and took different directions


The bakiga It is among small tribes in Uganda. It dominates south west of Uganda. The bakiga speak lukiga as their ancestry language. The bakiga are hospital in nature though rough while speaking. There more of commanding than requesting. They carry out subsistence farming. They grow crops like sorghum, millet, banana, and others