


Kob clan ( Engabi clan) with it's subscription

  Ekika kyengabi

Royal clan/ Abalangira clan/ Engoma clan

  Royal clan Engoma clan Abalangira Kabaka is the head of the royal clan and he delegates his authority in this regard to the Ssabalangira who is the head of the princes and governs the day to day affairs of the clan while the king is occupied by state affairs. The Role of the King's Mother namasole Namasole (title for king's mother) was awarded high respect and honor throughout the kingdom (obwakabaka). Namasole was given a palace of her own to live in and various servants to serve her. In fact the head of her servants was also called a katikkiro. This should not be confused with the king's katikkiro who headed the kingdom's government. However Namasole had no formal role in the governance of the kingdom.  During Kimera's time to that of Ssuuna II, the Namasole was not allowed to even set eyes on her son who had acceeded to the throne. One of the Namasole's brothers, given the title Masimbi would go to visit the king on Namasole's behalf and return with new

NGA TUJJUKIRA olunaku lw'abaana mu Africa olubeerawo nga 16 June

  NGA TUJJUKIRA olunaku lw'abaana mu Africa olubeerawo nga 16 June buli mwaka, abazadde mufeeyo nnyo okugunjula abaana ku musingi ogw'edda okuviira ddala ku kyalo tusobole okufuna abaana abanaayamba eggwanga. Bino Mondo Kyateka amyuka comissioner w'ensonga z'abaana n'abavubuka yabyogeredde ku Silver Springs Hotel  e Bugoloobi mu lukungaana lw'abaana mwebayitira okutuusa amaloboozi gaabwe eri Gavumenti ku nsonga y'okutulugunya abaana. Abaana bangi baatuusizza ensonga zaabwe omwabadde okutulugunyizibwa, okusosola abaana abalina obulemu ku mibiri, abaana abanoonyi b'obubudamu.  Mondo Kyateka yategeezezza bajjukira olunaku luno okusinziira ku kyaliwo mu south Africa abaana abazira bwe beekalakaasa mu soweto nga balwanirira eddembe lyabwe. Era olukiiko lwa Africa olwa OAU mu 1991 ne luteekawo olunaku luno lukuzibwe nga 16 June buli mwaka. Mondo yategeezezza nti nga Gavumenti, baateekawo essimu 116 etali yakusasulirwa abaana n'abantu sekinnoomu kwebanaayit

Endigga clan ( sheep clan)

  Akabbiro (sub - Totem):  Mpologoma (Lion) Omubala ( motto):   Nyabo Nabbosa, Mpaawo alimuliisa endiga Ow'Akasolya (Head of Clan):  Lwomwa. Obutaka (Clan estate ):  Mbaale, Mawokota. Endigga clan descended from a man called Mbaale who came to Buganda with Kintu. Mbaale joined Kintu in the Masaaba hills and became one of the good fighters in Kintu. After Kintu had settled at Magonga he allotted his brave men some estates to settle and Mbaale was given the place which bears his name to the present day. Mbaale moved around with a sheep which he regarded as a personal companion. so he generally became to be known as 'a man of sheep. Before he died, it is said he made a pledge to his companion, the sheep, "no one from my loins or from the loins of my descendants should slaughter you for meat or give you up as a sacrifice any where in this area. Mbaale is said to have had three sons; Ssekkoba, Kaggwe and Bbosa was the youngest. It is said that Ssekkoba wandered back to the east

Ekikaka Kyo Mutima clan (heart(

  About the Mutima Clan Sub - Totem: (Akabbiro) Mawuggwe (Lungs) Head Of Clan: (Ow'Akasolya) Kakeeto Clan estate: (Obutaka) Bbaale, Buddu  Motto: (Omubala) Kifa ennyanja, omuvubi y'abika.

Mbogo ( buffalo) clan

  Mbogo  (buffalo)Clan Sub Totem: (Akabbiro) Ndeerwe Head Of Clan: (Ow'Akasolya) Kayiira Gaajuule Clan estate: (Obutaka) Mugulu, Ssingo Clan Motto: (Omubala) Katutu Kaagwa. Names for boys. Ssentamu, kyagulannyi, kayiira, mawejje, mbogo, ssembogo, Kasibante, lutakome, kamwannyi, ssekayi, bukiirwa,ssentume, kabuunga, bugembe,mukwaya, magembe, yawe, nnyanzi, makumbi, Names for girls Nantamu, nankabilwa, nabanja, namawejje, nakayi, namukwaya, bukiirwa, namagembe, nantume, nambogo, nannyanzi