
Embwa clan {dog}

Clan (ekika):   Mbwa "dog" Akabiro : Kyuma / Kidde kyambwa Clan head (owakasolya)   : Mutasingwa. Clan headquarters (obutaka) : Kiggwa (Busujju). Clan Motto (emibala) : Ntegereza abataka kye baatukola. Clan names Kalumba, Mulindwa, musisi, nnamaala, ssebakigye, njala, kakonge, namondo, mpindi, weekirevu, lumasa, kisoo, nkumbinkule, ssekawunga, nantaba, maseruka, lusundo, ssenkule

Ennyonyi Nnyange

Nnyonyi Clan Totem: Akabbiro Kkunguvvu Head Of Clan: "Ow'Akasolya" Kakoto-Mbaziira Clan headquarters: Kyaggwe Clan Motto "o mibala" Bampe omuggo neewerekeze Si Mwana Kijjolooto Names for boys Kakumirizi, ssempewo, kafuuma, lugonda, katabira , kitanda, sseruyange, mbabali, zziwa Names for girls Nannyombi, nantaayi, nannyonjo, naluyange, nazziwa, namilimu



the luo ethnic group in east Africa

long ago  the acholi, Lwo and Alur lived together far away in central north Sudan. they migrated south words following river nile to norther Uganda. the luo leaders were brothers that is to say Gipiir and Labongo, were sons of one father Oruum. they were strong and brave but very quarrelsome, each feeling that he was the bravest warrior and the most successful leader over the other. one day early in the morning Gipiir was woken by one of his women. an elephant was wrecking his crops. without a moment's delay, with out calling for help he seized a spear and rushed out of the hut. the spear he took belonged to Labongo an was his favourite. he ran towards the elephant. he threw the spear at it with all great strength. the spear stubbed in the elephant and it rushed away with the spear.


NAkabbiro: Katinvuma  Clan Leader : Kyaddondo  Estates: Kawempe  Ssaza : Kyaddondo  Omubala/ Clan motto: Mpaawo adduka aliddayo mu kyaddondo, mpadduka, mpadduka   ORIGIN OF NVUMA   When Kintu ascended the throne of Buganda, Kyaddondo carried many giftes to him among which was this precious underwater treasure. On his way, it fell in the lake and it took the whole group so much trouble to find. Because of the significance it has among fishermen and the fact that finding it potrtends good luck and a big fish harvest, Kyaddondo turned it into his family`s totem.  Kyaddondo who was said to be a son of Kintu but many historians assert that Kyaddondo was not Kintu`s son but merely arrived with him in Buganda.  Kyaddondo as an area of Buganda comes from this particular personality. On arrival in Buganda with Kintu, Kyaddondo built in Busaaku Busujju. After a short while, he went to the present day Lubaga. From there he moved on to Mbuya and later


Long ago, in years of 400 to 1200, west of Lake Victoria basin was ruled by immortals or demigods called the Batembuzi. They established a great empire known as Bunnyoro Kitara Empire it covered three quarters of east Africa. However there was king of hell known as Nyamiyongo who became jealousy to the immortals. And he resolved to lure the emperor of Bunnyoro Kitara Empire into his power. By that time ISAZA was the emperor. Nyamiyongo sent ambassadors to Isaza. 'My lord', they said, 'our master seeks friendship with you and wishes to prove his love by becoming your blood brother.' and they handed Isaza a coffee bean which had been dipped into the blood of their master. The emperor knew perfectly well what he was expected to do. He must eat the coffee bean, smear another with his own blood and send it back to Nyamiyongo. So he answered the messengers, 'Rest tonight and tomorrow you shall take my blood to your master.' That night Isaza met with his Councill


Nambi prepared to leave her home in heaven to go down to Buganda to live with kintu whom she loved. But before leaving her   father   called her. Remember, he said, that there are no crops and no animals to tame on earth. Take as many as you can and leave quickly and quiet   and do not let your brother   Walumbe “ angel of death”   see you he will want to go with you and if he goes with it will be worse for you. So Nambi collected cows, sheep, chickens and everything she wanted for survival on earth and left the heaven by a secret path silently as shadows. As they reached the gate of heaven, Nambi remembered she had forgotten millet to feed her chickens. So she left kintu and ran back to fetch it. But on the way she met her brother Walumbe “angel of death” who asked her where she was going. At first she refused to speak to him but at last she broke down the secret and told him everything. In the end Walumbe followed them on earth. Kintu and Nambi built a house and raised their c